Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Bar Mitzirconium


I fidget sitting next to the bimah or podium as Rabbi Washer officiates services. He effortlessly    completes a prayer, acknowledges his congregation, faces me and nods for my a-li-yah or summoning to the bimah. I’m nauseated; sweaty, suffocating in thick tweed. 

My Bar Mitzvah was in February 1967, at the Jewish Community Center in Teaneck, New Jersey (pronounced JOY-z). The ceremony should have been in my family’s native Bronx, but our 1958 “white flight” landed us in Teaneck with its other migratory Jews and supposedly good schools. This Bar Mitzvah was a miracle that almost never happened. 

By the time I started Hebrew school at age 10 in 1964, my educational career was five-year jinxed. The first day of kindergarten was inauspicious; Mom shepherded me onto the wrong school bus. Upon arrival at Hawthorne School instead of Eugene Field, I tried to explain the mistake, but “Nothing doing, young man!” Several hours later I finally convinced the principal beyond a reasonable doubt, the burden of proof required of children in 1959. Mom finally picked me up. “Imbeciles! Nothing but imbeciles,” she ranted. I understood her meaning and enthusiastically agreed, sealing a half-century mother-child bond cemented by mutual disdain of self-important adults. 

Hebrew school was a bust because I just couldn’t concentrate. The nearby New Jersey swamps beckoned, especially as they metamorphosed into Interstate 80 which starts its 3000-mile journey to San Francisco just a mile from home. Each night, I’d lie in bed listening to metronomic pile drivers thump, thump, thump. In 1964 when I was ten, my worried parents took me to a psychiatrist, Dr. Friend, to cure my “nervousness” and lack of concentration. Friend reeked of smoke. He owned two bizarre ashtrays: one with opposite-facing silver storks, each of which could hold a cigarette in its open bill, and one stand-mounted device with a spinning mechanism that forced the butt into a hidden chamber. He preferred board games to actual therapy, relishing his weekly chessboard triumphs. Stymied as Lewis Carroll’s “Alice-the-pawn,” he ridiculed his ten-year old patient for being an angry, ungracious loser. Instead of addressing his own issues—maybe he suffered audio hallucinations and heard the white knight talking backward—the smug fraudmeister prescribed a tranquilizer/antipsychotic, Thorazine, so I could “calm down,” behave, and succeed at school. Not likely.

If Friend wasn’t in such a hurry to die from lung cancer, he would have later learned about Ritalin and a new DSM diagnosis, attention deficit disorder, or ADD. Our last chess game was terminal; Dr. Friend taught me well. 1) Bullies don’t deserve a fair fight, and 2) Their victims could fight dirty while maintaining the moral high ground. I used a unique “castling” maneuver. Instead of rearranging king and rook, I stunned the chess board with a Rod Laver backhand. Pieces flew across Friend’s rigged battlefield, peppering the room. A solitary bishop landed on top of his swirling-ashtray stand, flushing both bishop and Friend from my life. 

I stand up and tentatively plod across the bimah to the lectern. Rabbi Washer holds the Torah’s mahogany cylinder handles and gently rolls open the kosher goatskin scroll; it mocks me, my guts flayed, stretched, and etched with fear. He removes a white, note-sized piece of paper from his jacket pocket and surreptitiously tucks it into the scroll. He smiles, nods, and leaves. I’m alone. The paper “cheat sheet” looks new, freshly typed, all in hyphenated C-A-P-S. My transliterated “savior.”

Bar Mitzvah requires mastery of ancient Hebrew, impossible without intense concentration. One must read several paragraphs from an actual Torah sans vowels. Just imagine reading in vowel-less English. In those days you couldn’t even buy a vowel, Wheel of Fortune’s Vanna White was barely eleven at the time. Drug-addled, I would zone out after reading only a few English sentences. How then, could I defy the odds, reach Hebraic zenith, and “become a man?” 

Enter the enigmatic Rabbi Julius Washer. A conservative pillar of Teaneck’s Jewish community, his stoic countenance and sonorous voice demanded respect, even fear. But concocting the “cheat sheet” belied that image. In a compassionate moment he ignored his rabbinical training, Jewish tradition and even God, extending great kindness to a troubled boy. It wasn’t until years later that I realized Rabbi Washer’s humanity. He graduated from Yeshiva University (rabbinical college) in 1932 and had 35 years of experience by 1967. At the time of his death in 2004 at age 94, he had been a rabbi for 72 years! In the thousands of Bar Mitzvahs he officiated, I wonder how many were like mine. Was I the first? 

I take a deep breath and peer at the congregation. My parents, grandparents and baby brother sit in the first two rows. Both yarmulke-crowned grandfathers don silk tallises or prayer shawls. Hebrew might as well have been Chinese or Greek, the intricate calligraphy a mind-numbing blur. Part of the secreted paper, my ersatz Torah, is obstructed, its left side wedged into the scroll. I gingerly tug, not wanting the mahogany cylinder to roll off the lectern, unwinding the Five Books of Moses like toilet paper rolling down the stairs. The Torah cylinder rocks slightly, but I extricate the paper without uncoiling a Talmudic faux pas of biblical proportions. 

Like Rabbi Washer, my father’s parents were a contradiction. He was Jewish Orthodox and a Republican; she, an atheist and a socialist Democrat. They had moved from the Bronx to Brighton Beach in 1962, just after their 50th anniversary. The new beachfront high-rise served as a platform from which my cousins and I launched missiles off the 21st-story balcony and watched them go splat, like chopped liver on Ritz crackers, then spritz a “two-cents-plain” soda water directly from the old-fashioned tinted bottle. Ocean winds often propelled these edible treats to other balconies; free food and beverage par avion. Sometimes, wind gusts atomized the soda water into a drenching sea spray. We’d re-enter Apartment 21-D and Grandma would say, “Oy, vat is it? Rain-ink?” 

The Grandparents owned an early-60’s invention called color TV and an even cooler contraption, an analog remote control. Working this thing was like crank-starting a Model T. You had to click hard – like a key on Mom’s Royal typewriter when making nine carbon copies – and the green channel dial physically rotated. No jumping from two to nine; seven clicks required. My brother Ben was only three at the time. I’d frighten him with magically moving channels, then accuse him of messing with the TV. I enjoyed being an illusionist, the man behind the curtain, whether parroting Rabbi Washer’s cheat sheet or creating a fantasy world of moving channels. Several years later, I created urinary “wiz-ardry” with impunity. When my brother got his first puppy, I went downstairs, relieved myself, and then complained to Mom about Ben’s new dog pissing up the basement. 

Grandma Fuchs was the woman behind the curtain; a beguiling Machiavellian who kept mental note of shit-listed relatives. She hid behind a linguistic “curtain” when venting her un-grandmotherly, XXX-rated spleen. “That shtick drek shmo!” (piece of shit fool!). I wondered if Yiddish was evolution’s way of censoring adult language from children. I’d ask Dad to translate, but he would just blush. I was determined to learn more about this language, so rich in condescension, scatological reference and sex. I wondered about those XXX-rated movies along 42nd Street. Did some old Jew transliterate the script into Yiddish for gentile actors? Did the movies have English subtitles?

Grandma prepared chocolate milk with “U-Bet” kosher chocolate syrup calling these kiddie cocktails “hoyshki-boyshkis.” But hers was not a life of kosher piety. She, the trickster atheist, duped Grandpa, the Jewish orthodox, into believing that his food was kosher; that his meat and dairy were served on their respective, exclusive plates; and that the plates were washed with their respective, exclusive soap. Who thinks up these things? She rejected biblical law in favor of “cheat sheet” pragmatism.In her hoyshki-boyshki mélange of manipulative rascality, razor wit, ironic sarcasm, and uppity atheism, I saw myself. 

I especially loved Grandma’s dark, twisted sense of humor. As a stand-up comedian-in-training, I aspired to wow the Catskill Mountain resorts, or “Borscht Belt,” with Fuchs-isms. But if comedy bombed, Bar Mitzvah taught me that there’s always money – I netted over $1000 in 1967 dollars that day – in sleight-of-hand exhibitionism: magician and divorce lawyer came to mind. I loved being a performance artist, a clever boy. 

The mahogany cylinders rest quietly. The comforting English phonetic transliteration of my assigned section of the Torah is clearly visible. An eerie silence smothers the sanctuary. Both grandfathers clear their throats. My underarms radiate moist heat like a vaporizer inside the tweed canopy. 

I read while chanting in flagrante delicto: 

“B-O-A-R-U-C-H   A-T-A-H A-D-O-N-A-I 

E-L-O-H-E-I-U M-E-L C-H-H-A O-L-A-M....” 

Like a barking dog, I can’t hear myself. Is my voice too high, too girl-like? I don’t want to chant in flagrante castrato! Am I intelligible? Suddenly I lose all fear and float dreamily, lip-synching words; a marionette on transliterative strings. 

Dead silence. No applause. Did I fool them? Rabbi Washer walks to the lectern, and addresses the congregation. “Now Steven would like to say a few words.” He steps aside, but I can’t remember a word other than “today I am a fountain pen,” a one-liner from the 1930’s when engraved pens were the de rigueur Bar Mitzvah gift. I fumble for my 3x5 cards, galvanizing my guts with visualizations of stand-up comedian Henny Youngman delivering one-liners. Will God cop my comedic cherry?

“Good shabbos.” Show the crowd how I can throw around colloquial Hebrew. “Today I am a man. My five years of hard study made this possible.” Rabbi Washer frowns, perjury compounding our conspiracy. The grandparents kvel and why shouldn’t they be overjoyed, I’m performing for them. “I’m so happy that all my grandparents could be here today. We learned from the Torah it’s all about family, that blood is thicker than water, and there’s plenty of blood in the Bible.” I comically pat the scroll as the glib sacrilege blushes my face.” Henny would shout, “I love this crowd!” to liven things up or divert attention from an awkward moment. But this crowd grows subdued; I need to turn my beet red face into rhetorical gold….

“My Torah reading was from Exodus where God gave unto the Jews the Ten Commandments. When Moses returned from Mt. Sinai after talking with God, his face was bright red, almost burnt, forcing him to wear a veil before his people. I feel like Moses today, reading God’s law from the Torah, my face flush like his.” Maybe Moses and I both blushed for the same reason, because of our bold-faced bubbameisters. They’re buying this shit. I’m in overdrive and it feels good….

“In conclusion, shalom and God bless.” I’m done! My speech moved the crowd. Rabbi “Alibi” and I pulled it off. He shakes my clammy hand. I can’t wait to pee.

Later that day, we all went to see Fiddler on the Roof at the Imperial Theatre. Only my parents and I knew the truth about how I “became a man.” I think Grandma would have appreciated my performance even more if she were privy to the fraud. I knew she was strange, but a child’s wisdom is visceral, right-brained. It lacks articulation. Dr. Ben, my “Brother-the-Shrink” who was Mom’s unwitting therapist and ghoulish keeper of closeted skeletons, later told me Grandma’s story. Orphaned in 1894 at age six, she slept in Polish barns, suckled Polish goats, and was adopted by Polish Jews by age eight. At eighteen Celia Buchbinder was married off to the first man who would have her. As “loving” mother to her first born, she forced Uncle Dave to eat his own excrement as punishment for soiling his underwear. He was three. Oh, Celia! You’re no longer my role model.

The Bar Mitzvah was my metaphorically life-defining event. Clergy ordained in-authenticity, minting a counterfeit man destined to a lifetime of benign frauds. After repeating seventh grade, I decided on a career in law. What better way to become my very own “Rabbi Washer?” I skipped high school, received a GED and headed to college and law school. Like the Egyptian architect Imhotep, I built pyramids; mine of sturdy, durable cubic zirconium; his of authentic stone. I've become the lovechild of two strangers: Rabbi Washer and Celia Buchbinder. 

H-O-Y-S-H-K-I – B-O-Y-S-H-I-K-I-S anyone? 

U - B-E-T!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

#10 Black Widows

Will you walk into my parlor? said the Spider to the Fly

She and He
She bites, he doesn’t. Her lustrous ebony dwarfs his matted dun. In life, his time is short, but in death his life gains notoriety; the overly sensationalized victim of post-coital cannibalization (“eat me,” he gently cooed). He quests for the jewel, but her reclusive setting conceals its obsidian solitaire. Chance upon this boudoir, transmogrify into baby formula. But he accepts the risk; he has no choice, what are the odds of finding another long shot, another procreative “Jeanie” in a bottle?

ID and Habitat
The roughly one inch long femme fatale sports a shapely hourglass figure (a reddish-orange “hourglass” decorates her bulbous ventral abdomen). Black widows are nocturnal, spinning webs in weatherproof, secluded places: behind radiators, in corners of attics and garages, in basements and crawl spaces, and in Aunt Trudy’s hair.

Dangers Real and Imagined
Humans are not spider food except in monster and horror movies. See fly-sized Vincent Price in 1958’s creep out, The Fly. Famous last words: Help me, help meeeeee! Further proof: the arachnologically correct children’s nursery rhyme…

There was an old lady who swallowed a spider,
That wriggled and jiggled and wiggled inside her.
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly…

OK, so the old lady dies, but not from the spider; it took a horse, of course. Despite the black widow’s incredibly virulent neurotoxin venom (15 times more powerful than a rattlesnake’s), she flees humans and bites only for food, self defense, and in defense of her young, whom she may later eat.

Hot Tip
Just leave them alone so you can die of something else.

Black widows may leave a “bull’s eye” around their bites. Sanitize and ice the area as you would any garden-variety cut, bite, abrasion, or alien probe. Toxins are similar to strong medications; both create serious unintended consequences.

Side effects may include serious systemic
reactions such as severe muscle cramping
in the abdomen, back, chest and thighs,
nausea, vomiting, and headache.

And remember, “Envenomate” (that’s both
venom and anti-venom) is not for
everyone so ask your physician if
Envenomate is right for you.

Seek emergency medical treatment for severe symptoms, fantasies of bulbous abdomens, erections lasting over 12 hours, or spiderlings exiting your urethra.
* * *
Death Meter: 3 out of 10. (They rarely bite people; very few envenomation deaths are reported).

#9 Scorpions

“It’s in my nature” said the stinging scorpion piggybacked on a swimming frog.

Love Potion #9
Unlike black-widows, scorpion males live la dolce vita “envenom-mating” females during courtship, injecting love potion. Their scary pincer-shaped claws deposit spermatophores; her epidural anesthesia a pleasant aphrodisia. (She’s unaware of the assault with a deadly weapon). Liquor and drugs, are we any better?

One of the oldest known terrestrial arthropods (class arachnida) these ambush predators are near carbon copies of their Paleozoic ancestors, testament to 430 million years of date rape.

ID and Habitat
Scorpions look like, well… scorpions. In daytime, they hide under rocks, inside crevices, and under sand. Active at night, their UV fluorescence is visible with your Jimmy Hendrix poster black-light.

Dangers Real and Imagined
Scorpions envenomate prey by stinging. Here’s Roald Dahl’s Stingaling, that most ugly and repulsive thing.

The moment that his tail goes swish
he has but one determined wish,
He wants to make a sudden jump
And sting you hard upon your rump.

Scorpions actually sting hands and feet unless you suffer “WRS” (wandering rump syndrome). Somnambulists should wear shoes to bed, and the congenitally curious should avoid poking around blind spaces. Of the approximately 2000 species, only a small handful is considered dangerous to people, mostly in North Africa and Australia. Stings from most species are similar to bee stings; they hurt, but you’ll live.

Hot Tip
Check your shoes and avoid walking barefoot outdoors at night.

Calm the victim who should remain immobilized, wound below heart level. Sanitize and immediately ice the area to reduce swelling and slow venom absorption. Symptoms include pupil dilation, eye shaking or wobbling, hyper-salivation, difficulty swallowing and restlessness. Seek emergency medical treatment for severe symptoms.

Death Meter: 4 out of 10. Fatal bites are rare in the United States, but small children are especially at risk.

#8 Mountain Lions (Cougar, Puma, Panther)

And the lion shall lie down with the lamb…
- Biblical misquote

She and He
Cougars don’t play well with others, their solitary existence breached solely for sex. Not mating for life, they prefer short trysts, the “cougar” moniker appropriately given to older women who prey on younger men. Male cougars usually have three to five females within their home ranges (territory) and play rough, sometimes killing undefended kittens and even adult females. It’s unclear why this species doesn’t win the Darwin Award for its self-destructive gene pool.

ID and Habitat
This unspotted, tawny cat is a stealthy nocturnal killer and exploits its camouflage during dawn and dusk, times when people hike and bike. Adult males can reach 8 feet and weigh up to 200 pounds; females can reach 7 feet and weigh up to 120 pounds. Powerful hindquarters and long rear legs enable them to leap 23 feet. Males’ home ranges sometime exceed 100 square miles. They develop and run a relatively fixed “hunting trail,” relying on their excellent memory of each kill. Young males are most likely to encounter humans as they travel long distances to establish territory.

Dangers Real and Imagined
Humans are not lion prey. Our own predator morphology, e.g., forwarded-facing eyes (known as “binocular vision”), easily distinguishes us from prey morphology (eyes facing sideways). Human effluvium also smells predatory; it wafts of malodorous meat. Cougars, like most predators, instinctively fear other predators. And what are humans if not tall, large, bi-ped mammalian predators?

Lions and people now coexist. Civilization and range destruction force lion “habituation” with its deadly interloper, a relatively new invasive species, Homo sapien. Habituated lions, like domestic dogs, lose instinctual fears making them dangerous, especially to low-to-the-ground prey-sized children, pets, crouching adults and dwarfs.

Hot Tip
Hike or bike with others; avoid dawn and dusk. If you find stashed-away dead prey, leave the area; its owner is likely to return. If confronted, stay calm (as if this is possible). Don’t turn and run; hold your ground. Aggressively stare down “punk-cat” with your binocular vision Betty Davis eyes, look big, make noise, throw things (but don’t bend over or crouch down to pick up anything). Get mean. Get jiggy on its hindquarters:

Yo, yo, punk-cat brat
Where you at, u mo fo scat…

You lookn’ at me, suckah?

Slowly drift back, especially if punk-cat doesn’t have a means of egress; lions will neither walk backwards nor turn their backs on fellow predators, like you. Cougar are often encountered while tracking prey. Hold still as deer, cougar’s pixel vision magnifies movement, but blurs details; better deer make the fatal first move than you.

If cougar wants you dead, you won’t require first aid. Otherwise, stop hemorrhaging and call 911 or radio an SOS on your walkie-talkie.
* * *
Death Meter: 5 out of 10. They rarely confront people; follow the rules, don’t become a statistical anomaly.

#7 Coyote

Looney Tunes for $1000, the answer is: “Ethelbert”
What is Wile E. Coyote’s middle name?

She and He
Known as jackals outside the New World and the Trickster in Native American folklore, Coyotes practice “facultative” monogamy (males contribute, but are not essential for pup survival) and mate for life. However, alpha males maintain multiple partners and in the Eastern United States (you can guess the states) they conduct inter-species affairs siring hybrid “coydogs.” Fifi and the Varmit Have Pups, Face Ballot Initiative to Restore Traditional Marriage.

Alpha males dominate larger packs and are often responsible for 90% of mating; beta males may sneak sex, but their hoi-polloi progeny is doomed. Females are “monoestrous” (annual cycle) with estrus lasting only 10+/- days; males limit spermatogenesis to this cycle followed by energy-saving testicular regression. Ouch!

ID and Habitat
The cayote[sic]is a living, breathing allegory of Want. He is always hungry. He is always poor, out of luck and friendless. The meanest creatures despise him and even the flea would desert him for a velocipede.
- Mark Twain, Roughing It

Typically 20-30 pounds, coyotes are grayish-brown with fluffy, black-tipped tails. Think medium-sized dog. Found throughout the continental United States, they are supposed to be nocturnal, but daytime sightings are common. Their excellent hearing, sophisticated communication, hunting skills and galvanized steel stomachs (scarfing down everything from rotten vegetables to road kill) make coyotes supremely adaptable to humanity. Nocturnal dumpster diving for an all-American dietary cornucopia — pizza, chips, French fries, white bread, fried foods, doughnuts, and cooking grease — this clandestine canine dodges syndrome X, coronary heart disease, hormonal cancers, hypertension, vascular disease, diabetes, and other patriotic ailments.

Dangers Real and Imagined
Coyotes eat small mammals; unless you’re a rodent, fear not. But encroachment, habituation and “making nice” to wildlife contribute to increasingly common attacks. Small to medium sized dogs and cats, infants, toddlers and pre-schoolers are potential prey. Violent encounters with adults are extremely rare, but a brief scan of California newspapers reveals numerous attacks on pets and young children. Reality meter: domestic dog encounters and feral dog packs are underreported and far more dangerous.

Hot Tip
Don’t feed, water or befriend wildlife. Keep them afraid, very afraid; fear is good. Protect pets and children. Use the same precautions and aggressive responses as you would with cougars, “cougars” and your mother-in-law.

Same as cougar, but survival rates are much higher and rabies is more likely.
* * *
Death Meter: 4 out of 10. They rarely confront adults; pets and young children are at risk.

#6 Tarantulas

Lo, this is the tarantula's den!... Vengeance will we use, and insult, against all who are not like us--thus do the tarantula-hearts pledge themselves.
- Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spake Zarathustra

She and He
Distinguishing the sexes requires an arachnologist with magnifier, although mature adults exhibit sexual “dimorphism” (morphological differences). Females are often bulkier, especially their abdomens. Each autumn, males disperse, making booty calls on burrow-dwelling females. Romeo vibrates his body and taps his legs. If she’s receptive, he gains entrée; if not, he becomes the entré.

An eight-eyed myopic, he’s undaunted by her hairy legs, unshaved beauty in the eye(s) of the beholder. After leggy-spaghetti foreplay (there’s 16 legs between them), his tibial spurs (mating “hooks”) grab her fangs lifting her body—pas de deux—exposing the epigastric furrow, on-ramp to the genital highway. As with black widows, lucky post-coital males bid a hasty retreat, hasta la vista, baby! See YouTube for bodacious arachni-porn.

ID and Habitat
Largest of all spiders, this brownish, hairy, gentle giant reaches five inches long by two inches tall. Its burrow is “J” shaped with a quarter-sized round entrance. An ambush predator, it lays in wait listening for vibrations; a bunker-launched blitzkrieg dispatches unwary prey. Serpent-like fold-out fangs envenomate and liquefy animal innards followed by the pièce de résistance, a straw-shaped mouth Hoovers the goo. Some species have thousands of nasty, barbed, slightly venomous “urticating,” abdominal hairs; used defensively, Tarantulas kick (they have eight legs) them into the face of attackers.

Dangers Real and Imagined
Tarantula, tarantula,
Scuttling out of sight,
Whose bed will your darkness
Glide beneath tonight?

-Richard Edwards—Stowaway

Apparently 007’s. James Bond, horrified to discover Dr. No’s tarantula climbing up his “water spout,” kills the spider, then suffers post-trauma barf. When Bond, James Bond freaks out over a fairly harmless spider, well no wonder tarantula is #6 in our countdown. Tarantulas (except arboreal species) stay grounded, unlikely to climb into beds. Only a non-arachnologist (like Dr. No) would attempt using tarantula as murder weapons.

Tarantulas are unlikely to hurt you, but bites are never pleasant and the barbed hairs often cause serious allergic reactions.

Hot Tip
Hissing tarantulas are pissed off, poised to strike. Don’t piss off wildlife and don’t stick your fingers into quarter-sized holes, or any other cracks, crevices or potential burrowing places like your ear.

Use standard first aid; hydrocortisone for superficial allergic reactions, 911 for serious reactions, such as respiratory distress.
* * *
Death Meter: 2 out of 10. They are generally harmless to humans.

#5 Wood Rats (Packrats, Trade Rats), Mice

You dirty, double-crossing rat.
- James Cagney, Public Enemy

She and He
The female and male appear similar, but Frank Sinatra’s allegorical Rat Pack nomenclature gives clue; male Packrats are well endowed, especially their massive testes. While failing to achieve the “penis to body mass” ratio of the record-holding Western harvest mouse, these randy rodents exploit their “largess.” When not obsessively hoarding food, they are compulsively copulating, with up to 120 sexual acts per hour (mounts and ejaculations). Roger and Jessica Rabbit, eat your hearts out and Guinness Book of World Records, take note.

Females stay busy between copulatory sessions, birthing up to five annual litters, each with as many as five young; the consummate breeding and mothering machine. Babies clamp down their teeth on mother’s nipples for their fist 12 days. Good news for mom… babies wean quickly and are sexually active in 60 days! Bad news… mom sometimes dies after weaning a very full litter of four or five.

ID and Habitat
The desert wood rat is grayish and reaches only 13 inches, including the tail. It eats prickly pear cactus and is prey for coyote, fox, snakes, Gila monsters and owls. Non-native to North America, wood rats migrated here from China and Ethiopia. Like most desert mammals, including illegal aliens, they are nocturnal.

Packrats build rough-hewn homes called “middens,” some older than Stonehenge. Using construction technology unknown to Druids, such as cementing earth with urine, dry-climate middens have been carbon dated to 40,000 years. Often constructed in rock crevices, middens can reach four feet across providing residents with summer cooling and winter heating. Cholla cactus palisades deter both predatory home-invaders and thieves who covet packrats’ treasure trove of stolen goods; rings, trinkets and other objects purloined from unsuspecting Homo sapiens.

Packrats, like cactus wrens who also use cholla for protection, may occupy several homes simultaneously, but far fewer than John McCain. Paleo—just-about-everyone: climatologists, ecologists, botanists, ethno-botanists, “McCainanites” and even anthropologists study middens; like accreted alluvium, they freeze-frame natural history and anthropological time.

Dangers Real and Imagined
The deadly Hanta Virus, Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS) is spread to humans through contact with rodents, their urine, and droppings. Of the 30 cases diagnosed annually, the fatality rate is 40%.

Hot Tip
Don’t be messing with animal waste matter or breathing poop dust. Also, never capture wild rodents as pets.

If you find rodent droppings in your home, don’t touch. Call a professional. For DIY hazmat removal, follow some of these suggestions. Don your hazmat suit including rubber gloves, boots, goggles and HEPA breathing respirator. Don’t vacuum or sweep (dust spreads Hantavirus), but instead douse with bleach or a strong disinfectant. Mop or towel up, placing the towel inside a zip lock or trash bag, seal tightly. Disinfectant your hazmat suit before removing it. Mr. Clean “lysols” Pine-Sol poop, then self.

* * *
Death Meter: 1 out of 10. (But inhale or ingest contaminated droppings, then it’s 4 out of 10).